How to Ungrump Yourself
Are you overwhelmed by news?
Is it giving you the blues?
Here's a tip that you might use:
Read some poetry.
If you wake up feeling grumpy
'cause the road ahead looks bumpy,
don't you fidget. Don't get jumpy.
Read some poetry.
If you feel like you could cry
(even if you don't know why),
I say give it one good try.
Read some poetry.
Though there is no guarantee,
poetry could be the key.
It worked well today for me.
Read some poetry!
Oh, what a week! Between the Polar Vortex, family health questions, and people doing heartless things, it's a wonder anyone stays positive these days. I reached my limit this morning, and something made me stop, take a break, and go back to look at last week's Poetry Friday posts, which I had missed.
Gorgeous language! Perfect metaphors! Helpful explanations! My whole day—my whole outlook—turned around. Next time I feel myself slipping into Grump Mode, I will try to remember to do that again. What a gift this Poetry Friday community is! Thank you to everyone involved!
Tabatha Yeatts has today's Poetry Friday Roundup at The Opposite of Indifference. If you haven't checked it out yet, here's your chance!